The original film was released in 1997...
Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion became a smash hit when it was released in 1997. The film's stars, Mira Sorvino and Lisa Kudrow, have gone on to become very successful actresses in the 17 years since the film's release, but in a new interview with E! Online, Mira revealed that she wouldn't mind slipping on a pleather dress and bringing Romy back to life for a sequel.
"Me and Lisa [Kudrow] and [creator] Robin [Schiff] would love to do a sequel," Mira told the site during at an event in Beverly Hills on Monday night.
Mira Sorvino wants to do a Romy and Michelle sequel. (WENN)
Although the film's stars on are onboard for a sequel, Disney, the network that owns the rights to the film, is not.
"We have asked Disney before," Mira said. "It's Disney that has to decide to say yes."
The film, which centered on two ditzy women who try to impress their former classmates at their 10 year high school reunion, grossed over $29 million at the box office. Mira says the film continues to remain popular despite how long it's been since it was released.
"I don't think [Disney] realize[s] what a cult phenomenon it has become," she said. "I mean, people dress up as us for Halloween!"
She pleaded with the network to reconsider green-lighting a 'Romy and Michelle' sequel.
"Disney, if you're listening—everybody wants it!"