Stephanie Pratt is on the hunt for a well-off boyfriend.
The former star of The Hills and sister of Spencer Pratt is going on Millionaire Matchmaker, the Bravo dating show starring Patti Stanger, to make this happen.
Stephanie Pratt, 28, previously dated millionaire and social media entrepreneur Julien Chabbott. Having had a taste of the good life, she's not about to go back.
Pratt and sister-in-law Heidi Montag were spotted filming scenes for Millionaire Matchmaker Friday, getting ready for her date in Marina Del Rey, Calif.
Spencer, 30, and Heidi were once a millionaire match themselves, having grossed an estimated $10 million from The Hills and their other pursuits.
Of course, they also went broke or darn close.
To their credit, they've discussed at length about how they let fame and fortune go to their head and wish they had not squandered such a fortune.
"Every time we'd go out, we'd order $4,000 bottles of wine. Heidi was going to the mall, dropping $20,000 or $30,000 a day," Spencer explained.
Spencer said that the pair had delusions of grandeur. "We thought we were Jay Z and Beyonce," he laments. "In hindsight we should've been more low-key.'
Low-key would not be what you would call the Heidi Montag plastic surgery debacle or her album Superficial, perhaps the worst thing ever recorded.
Spencer and Heidi are still together and happy, though, in a romance that's apparently more real than anything seen on The Hills or any reality TV.